No, this week I'd prefer to highlight gifts for the people in your life who have everything. Note: these purchases, like so many others this holiday season, are completely unnecessary, but totally cool, and we need them! So, without further ado, my wishlist:
You have a job. You have kids or cats or dogs (or Hawaiian turtles). You have a life, and life is hard. You need to feed yourself, those things, and when you're done, you need to prep for the next day. And you're tired. Oh, so tired. How many times have you started your bed-time clean-up ritual and accidentally taken too little or too much floss? How much is the right amount? Well, thank god there's something we can suction to our bathroom mirrors and put a battery in. Yes, it's FLOSSTIME, the auto floss dispenser that you've been missing in your life. Just press a button and you get the perfect amount of floss every time. You can even decorate it with a cover of a small woodland animal so that it appeals to kids. And, as it obstructs your view of the actual mirror, it stands as a reminder to press that button, tear the floss and commit to dental hygiene. Never mind that their proprietary floss cartridges costs twice as much as what you can get at CVS...that you have to wait for them to deliver it. How the hell do they know how much you'll need...for two people, for a family of four? Never mind. This is a stupid present. Don't buy this for me.
I guess gift shopping is really hard, especially all of the moving your fingers need to do in order to get something from Amazon. It's exhausting. If only there was a way for me to nap comfortably at my desk. It would have to be well cushioned, and help to darken my immediate environment. I would also want space for my hands, and if I'm slumped over in my chair, I don't want to crush my there's got to be room for that too. Well, friend, if these are your problems, and you know they are, look no further than the OSTRICHPILLOW! Push your head up the narrow, um, neck line and, poof! Instant darkness! It's cushy. It's got room for your mouth. Perfect for the narcoleptic in your life. Sleep at your desk at work! Are you a student? Sleep at the library while studying! Bring it on the plane with you! Never mind that it looks like a giant plush uterus! Stick your head in there and get the best rest of your life for only $99! And now, it comes in both Midnight Gray and Sleepy
I don't know. I guess I need to re-think the logic of gifts this year. It's probably best to stick with something universally loved and at the same time, absolutely functional. Something that serves a purpose but is stylish and current and something that the kids can relate to. OK, forget all of the above, and just get me this. Happy holiday shopping every one. And remember, when in doubt, send cash.