Friday, May 29, 2015

Lucked Out

So, I’ve been working my current job since 2008, and I’ll say that, over time, things have only gotten better since I’ve started.  But that’s a rant for another day.

Today, I’d like to focus instead on how I lucked out with my cell-mate.  An overview: our office is currently 20-something people strong, spread between offices and cube space.  I share an office with the director of communications. 

I’ll start with the facts first: She’s an honest feminist, with strong sense social betterment for the greater good.  She’s a frequent volunteer, most notably for women’s issues organizations and the local public radio station.  She has a litany of friends who support her causes but have also inspired her to campaign for other things such as debilitating disease and environmental justice.  She’s strongly committed to her religion and her family, and she hopes to inspire both her niece and nephew to adopt some of her beliefs, again, for the greater good.

She’s a wholly good person.

So, how does an admittedly morally upright person mix with a fairly crude and sometimes obnoxious non-observant Jew from the Jerz?  It came to a head this morning as I played the following video that was posted last week in the name of science and music:

Happily, it was a non-issue (I giggled, and she acknowledged it’s potential genius).  As we both appreciate Steely Dan and the Police (among others), she understands the importance of music in society.  Personally, I can’t wait until this guy gets into some Rossini or Brahms.  She’d be happy with a Bare Naked Ladies cover.  I don’t know how she deals with me.  Yesterday I told her it smelled like “updog” in our office…to which she asked “What’s updog?”


Fucking hysterical.

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