Friday, June 26, 2015

Love is love

I am so happy that basic human rights have been upheld this week at the Supreme Court of the United States.  Days ago we learned that federal subsidies for healthcare can occur in states that have not set up clearinghouse/market places for affordable healthcare (instead leaving that to the Feds)…making healthcare available to more Americans than ever before…AND, today, the Supreme Court ruled that all citizens have a RIGHT to “Equal Dignity in the Eyes of the Law.”  Same-sex marriage is now a guaranteed constitutional right across the United States. 

What more can be said.  Right-wing conservative presidential candidates immediately started spewing that BS rhetoric that this is a slam against religious freedom.  And, upon thinking about that, I would really like to know how.  It seems to me that “separation of church and state” would take precedence.  And then I realized what it was.  Religion tends to be a very “I’m right, you’re wrong” entity.  Name a major war where religion had no part.  People are deeply passionate about their belief system, some to the point of blindly following the teachings of the clergy without questioning or applying logic.  And all religions are guilty of it: from the Mormons who decided to baptize Jewish victims of the Holocaust to ensure they get into heaven, to the Jews themselves who believe they are the “Chosen People.”  Thoughts like that don’t leave a lot of meat on the bone for people who don’t share identical beliefs.  In fact, the cry of “religious freedom” strikes me funny because it make the assumption that we’re all working towards Mike Huckabee’s brand of evangelical Christianity and this decision, which is clearly not an ideal of his church, stands in the way of the “rest of us” from being saved.  What would Jesus do?  He certainly wouldn't be in favor of that shit. 

No offense meant to other religions…or religion as a concept, but people should be able to carry on with their personal affairs as long as it doesn’t impact YOUR ability to practice as you like.  That’s true religious freedom.  I know; it’s a very mind your own business mentality, but isn’t that healthiest?  Apparently, the Supreme Court believes that to be the truth…that a mandate from the people is more important than government oversight on a, largely, religious belief.  Goes right back to separation of Church and State, and, this time, they got it right.

"Love is love."
 President Barack Obama

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