Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Daily Scare

Last week brought an end to an era of news reporting in this country.  While Jon Stewart fervently maintained that his job was primarily entertainment, the vast majority of people my age would regularly get their news (and opinions) from the analytical work he and his team unearthed.  News to no one, politics is a dirty business, and The Daily Show routinely showed how dirty it was by demonstrating the hypocrisy of political process.  While criticisms were made on both sides of the isle, the show’s “leftist” leanings provided a counterbalance to the unscientific and unethical “crusades” made by the far right.

The beauty about the Daily Show was the fact that they did the paying attention for us.  They synthesized about 18hrs of news media into a half hour show, thereby allowing us to pay less (or little to no) attention to the stupid shit people say in the news and in our government.  It was so easy to tune in, get frustrated, and then have a visceral reaction which sometimes led to increased political action…or at least awareness.  Who’s going to watch Fox News all day to catch them calling out President Obama for holding a latte while saluting even though President Bush, during his term, had a Scottish terrier under arm while trying to “respect our servicemen while disembarking?”  Who is going to point out the fact that politicians routinely talk out of one side of their mouth while voting in the complete opposite direction?  Who’s going to cover Trump?

Luckily, the Daily Show spawned three “spin-off” shows who will hopefully carry the torch.  Stephen Colbert will be taking the helm of Late Night, and I’m sure, while Comedy Central owns that pseudo-right-wing persona, will continue with his observations about how broken politics is in this country.  John Oliver is already killing it HBO by covering big social issues, one at a time.  Evidence of that comes via the multitude of shares on FaceBook about his rants.  And, while less popular, Larry Wilmore is carrying the torch on Comedy Central, and will continue to do so after Trevor Noah, with his own views on daily news.  While Wilmore doesn’t have the bombastic personality of his predecessor, he certainly has the wit and the “machine” behind the facts.  And, then there’s the aforementioned Trevor Noah, who will, hopefully, continue in Stewart’s established format, and continue to bring us the day’s political Cliff Notes.

Will it be the same?  No.  Should we continue watching anyway, yes.  The adage of “if you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention” still holds true.  Stories about increased violence about blacks in this country need to be told.  The woman who was raped at Virginia Wesleyan and is suing the University for its inaction (and/or indifference), now has to defend herself against their request for a list of all her past and present romantic interests to establish her credibility.  What?  Wait, what?  Or, what about the “traditional marriage” Tea Party Michigan state Representative who tried to spread a hoax that he had sex with a man to hide the fact that he cheated on his wife…with another Tea Party state Rep?!?  Who will bring this important (ha!) news to the forefront so that the veil of lies that hides the hypocritical bull shit will be occasionally lifted?  And, I ask this question because we need to know what’s going on.  We need to keep paying attention, and therefore, keep being angry.  Because, when we are complacent in our ignorance, we lose…and Trump wins.  What’s scarier than that?

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