Friday, January 8, 2016

More Resolutions

Happy New Year!  God, 2015 was hard.  I can't say it "sucked."  While certain components certainly did, I have some fantastic memories as well.  But it was always hard and I'm not sure that makes it terribly different from any other year.

But, I digress.  During this time of year, we typically try to look a bit more forward than usual.  Resolutions and all of that.  Instead of making grand sweeping promises that are totally specific, this year, I'm going to be a bit more general in my New Year's resolutions.  Who's to say I can't have more than one?  So, without further ado...

1.  Take more pictures.  This sounds easy as I'm never far away from my iPhone.  But I mean "real" pictures taken with a "real" camera.  2015 was so busy, I lost focus.  I lost interest.  This year I'm going to double down and get some really great nature photos going.  Not sure where or when, but it's going to happen.

2.  Play more music/see more music.  I've got a great guitar and a serviceable bass.  I've got amps for both.  I've got a basement where it's all set up.  I've got two kids who might dance/sing if I play.  What's my problem?  Time?  Not a good enough excuse.  Besides, it'll help me stay away from...

3. Watch less TV.  To tell the truth, since DVR and Netflix and the like have become prevalent, I don't find it terribly necessary to watch TV as it happens unless its a sporting event.  Still, when it gets to about 8:30 at night, I typically default to Antiques Roadshow or repeats of Chopped, and get brainless.  Instead, I could grab my very portable guitar and...see #2 above.

4.  Eat better.  Actually, I think I eat a fairly mixed diet, but I mean eating better when I eat out.  A hamburger is a "treat."  And, I want to try new stuff, and always eat what the chef prepares as the chef has prepared it.  I understand if you have dietary restrictions which require you to be picky about how something is cooked...but if it's the bigger person and "prefer" to eat it as the chef has envisioned it.  Start thinking that dining out is you sampling someone's art.  Start asking yourself if you would have called Paul and John in 1968 and said "Listen, about those 'nah nahs', maybe a few less of those towards the end of that 'Jude' song?  They offend.  Thanks."

5.  Be more regular about my posts.  I'll admit that towards the end of 2015, for one reason or another, my blog posts got thin.  And, to be frank, I didn't have much to say.  Between that and holidays, shit got busy and this was the first thing to get cut.  Regardless, I've got some ideas about tech (Thanks Apple and CES 2016) and about food and a wrap-up of football season all brewing in my brain.  I hope that you and yours had a happy new year, but now it's time to get things done.  May you be successful in your resolutions, and may the force be with you.

(Shit, is that considered a spoiler???  Sorry.)

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