Thursday, April 20, 2017

Lost value

I think I've presented myself honestly.  I still don't know how a real estate mogul and TV personality became President.  Granted, jury is still out on external influences, but I imagine that will eventually come to light as well.  The long and the short of it is that this man with questionable values and complete lack of experience was voted in, by a system I believe has largely worked so far, as Commander in Chief for the US of A.

That said, he sucks.  Thus far, I'm clearly not in agreement with any of his executive orders.  I also don't believe in the appointments he's made.  And, while it hasn't been proven due to lack of transparency, I think he's got many conflicts of interest with how he makes his nut.

And, the man is a fantastic liar...and regularly requires his staff to cover for him or lie for him.  It's a PR shit-show.

That said, the Press needs to back the hell off a little.  This past week, the scrutiny of the White House about things that flat out don't matter is mind-boggling.  The Press latched on to how unprepared the White House was for an Easter egg roll.  Yet, the photos/videos that came from that even only show the President tossing someone's recently signed hat into a crowd...or his forgetfulness about what to do during the National Anthem.  Or how many muppets will be in attendance.  Really?  This isn't news.  And, as a democrat, I was crying bullshit when Obama was criticized by the Right for saluting Marines while on his cell phone.

It didn't matter then, and it doesn't matter now.

Yesterday, the NY Times irresponsibly Tweeted out a comparison of the 2015 Superbowl Champs visiting Obama vs. the 2017 Champs visiting Trump.  What is missing is the fact that in 2015, the entire organization was invited on the stage, vs. just the team in 2017.  The staffers were all there...just in the audience.  Thanks for jumping on the hate-train, NYT.  I'm sure you'll publish a retraction in the smallest of print.  

I guess what I'm saying is, I'm all for criticising the President for his wish to reduce budgets for the arts, for his administration's plan for public education, as well as there severe lack of scientific understanding on all levels.  Those are legitimate gripes, regardless of the potential benefits for businesses...which I believe will be minimal at best.  Coal is still dead, global warming is a thing, and Americans with pre-existing conditions need to be protected against health care vultures.  These are issues.

So, and I know I'm guilty of it too, when you see a story about how he announced that he launched 59 Tomahawk missiles against a sovereign nation, pay no attention to the "the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen.”  That's not the story...the story is Russia.  The story is sarin gas.  The Story is the French election or the uprising in Venezuela.  Because, we know from history, when you focus on the "cake" part of the story, it makes you look like a fool to the masses, your rhetoric loses value, and you may even lose your head.

see: Marie Antoinette

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