Friday, March 23, 2018

Not an omelette.

I like the inclusiveness of an omelette's ingredient list but also really enjoy the runny yolk of an over-easy egg.  Therefore I thunk up this quick breakfast/brunch recipe for you (tested and wife approved!):

What you need (for two peeps):

4 Large eggs
2 Slices of bread
1 Avocado, pitted and diced
1 small tomato, diced
1 Shallot, diced
1 Trader Joe's Garlic Salt with Grinder (this goes on anything/everything)
1 Pepper mill and associated peppercorns
Butter (room temp)

If you don't have one, go out and get a non-stick frying pan.  We've been using T-Fal's non-stick 8-inch pan religiously for omelettes and such.  Why? You can use metal utensils with it.  It's dishwasher safe.  And, it's dirt cheap on Amazon!  Just don't cold-shock the pan when you're done, and it has the potential to last a very long time.

I pre-heat my pan with a medium-low heat.  Take a pat of butter and melt that down, and before it burns, toss in half of your tomatoes and shallots along with a couple of turns from both your pepper mill and garlic salt grinders.  You just want to sweat the onions and tomatoes for about a minute or two. 

Next, carefully crack two of your eggs and get them into the pan without breaking the yolk. With this small pan, you're cooking for one person (for the second half of the recipe you'll return to coda). 

Toast your bread.  Duh.

When you see the whites of the eggs solidifying, take your diced avocado and liberally spread half of them over your eggs and onto the whites only; again, you're taking care so as to not break the yolks.

Let that cook until all but the yolk seems solidified, and then flip.  With the butter and the non-stick pan, give that thing a toss: i.e. no spatula.  It's all in the wrist, but you can do it!  I believe in you!

Once flipped, let that cook for another 30 to 45 seconds.  While you're waiting, butter your toast and plate it.  Take the eggs and carefully place them directly onto the toast and serve (for the second helping, repeat all of the above that makes sense).

It takes no time at all.  It's a good way to use slightly under-ripe avocados, but any good and ripe avocado will do.  Garnish with some hot sauce.  I like Trader Joe's Green Dragon Hot Sauce on mine, but sriracha will also do.  If you do the meat thing, I believe that you can explore how English bangers might go with this.  Fork and knife it for the full runny yolk effect.  Me, I go one up, and I use a 3rd egg.  I know, daring, right?  With a cup of coffee, and depending on how liberally you're buttering your bread, this meal, without sausage, but with coffee and cream, hits between 400 and 500 calories, which I think is appropriate for a healthy breakfast that also packs in 12 grams of protein.  Add a half cup of blueberries (the super fruit) for another 45 calories, and tons of good vitamins and antioxidants. 

But, mostly, enjoy!

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