Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Killing in the Name Of

The phrase is "it's far easier to ask for forgiveness than permission."  That seems to be the mantra of this administration: act first, see the ramifications of the actions later...and, no matter how the facts stack up against them, defend, defend, defend.

I'll admit that this post is largely due to the fact that, at 7:30am this morning, I had Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name Of" blaring at top volume in my car.  For those not in the know, it's a rightfully angry song, championing the fight against an unjust authoritarian regime which discriminates against minorities.  Back in the day, it was police brutality against blacks, but we fixed that up fine (read: sarcasm).  The song can easily be ported to what's happening now at our borders.

"Some of those that work forces, are the same the burn crosses."

The comparison of this administration to the KKK and early Nazi actions in the late 1930s have been made again and again.  Whether the administration is intentionally singling out Jews, blacks, hispanics, etc. will be for history to decide when all the facts come in.  But, with statements like "both sides are to blame" and constant tirades about Chicago and South Americans seeking asylum make you believe that this "nationalist," American first, administration is a transparent cover for a new white supremacy movement.

And then there's Israel.  Strangely enough, conservatives and this administration are "all in" on Israel, which, at first, confused me.  With the President's unwillingness to denounce some of his supporters, or Breitbart, or actual Nazis with torches, he's been on the Israeli band-wagon from day one.  Most recently, the administration used Israel as the reason why this country is backing out of the Human Rights Council of the UN.  Why?  Two separate reasons I think.  One: what is Israel?  To the untrained eye, Israel represents a successful ethno-state.  It's proof that, by holding unwanted nationalities at the borders in inhospitable desert conditions, that you can successfully create a monotheistic society.  It can be done!  The white christian, Trump-ian citizens in this country use Israel as the primary example of possibility.  Also, it's a place where Jews can go "home," much like how they want blacks to go back to Africa, and all hispanics to "return" to Mexico, regardless of their nationalities.

"They're the chosen whites."

Two: it's far more difficult to be in bed with actual dictators in North Korea and Russia when you're a member of an organization that is outspoken against those regimes and those like them.  Israel's perceived treatment of Palestinians is the convenient screen this administration is using to get further into bed with actual tyrants that Trump would like to model himself after:  Kim Jong Un, Duterte, and Putin.  At least he would like to be "loved" like them.

Which brings me to our detention system of migrants seeking asylum in this country.  The forcible removal of children from immigrant families seeking asylum has never occurred before in either Republican or Democratic administrations.  The action further demonstrates that this is clearly at the will of the President and his administration.  Call it what you want, but the separation children from their families and detention of all of them is, at the very least, unpalatable.  If that level of shocked sarcasm isn't hitting you in the gut, maybe it's because I didn't deliver it in its original German.  Note that "detention centers" is the politically correct name for internment and concentration camps.  The Trump Administration just hasn't built the showers or ovens yet.  No, that's not too strong a parallel: remember the fear-mongering he fostered against Muslims?  His inaction against White Nationalists commiting hate crimes/parading with torches?  The administration is quick to criticize these alternative names for detention centers, but keep in mind that, during WWII, when the United States took the majority of Japanese Americans and put them into internment camps, they didn't separate the children from their families.  The current policy is significantly worse.  The only good thing to come from it is that the Administration has been unified in its awfulness, and that (some) Republicans are scrambling to make this go away before this too will be added to the liberal arsenal of why conservatives should be voted out in November.  And, yet, maybe this is the way of the Trump Administration to drain the swamp, by actively working against the incumbent GOP politicians.  It's clear that the message the White House would like to send Republicans is: back the President, or else face the political consequences.  It's already clear that, even without congressional support, he's able to move his nationalist agenda forward.

My hope is that, Democrat and moderate Republicans can come together and vote out anyone who openly or passively supports this wannabe dictator's agenda.  Things are moving in the right direction as the immigrant detention policies have started drawing criticism from conservative religious groups who have, seemingly, just realized that their Christian values should extend to all people, all children, and that their message of "Pro-Family" is severely challenged by this President's border policy. (Not to be mistaken with their anti-gay views which are stupid and outdated. ed.)  Duh.  For the rest of us, we're going to keep marching and keep protesting unjust overreaches by this Administration.  My family marched in the March for Women, March for Science, March for our Children, and most recently, March against the DHS and the Contract Detention Facility in Elizabeth, NJ.  We'll keep marching and keep pointing out the anti-human, racist, sexist, anti-semitic "policies" that this Administration endorses until this philandering, pussy-grabbing, ass-hole is out of office.

"Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me."

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