Friday, February 21, 2014

The power of sonic flight!

Before I get into our trip, and it did take all day, I wanted to start with pre-trip preparation.  As an audiophile, not only did I have to bring my phone and headphones, but the headphone amp as well...which, by the way, can totally work with the laptop.  More on that later.  In addition to the normal plugs, now I'm carrying the amp USB cord as well. 

Next,  music.  With the existing size limits on phone memory capacity (iPhone without a micro SD slot) you need to choose wisely for your trip.  These days, most rentals come with at least an AUX don't forget your headphone-to-headphone cord.  Plus, now you're going to have to rely on the limited amount of music you brought...and it has to be appropriate for every situation you may encounter.

Case in point: take off.  I love a good sound track, and when I travel, I need that forceful piece of music to carry me into the heavens in parallel with the plane.  It's a bit OCD, but I decide ahead of time what 'lift-off' music needs to be on the phone.  In the past I remember selecting "Time" by Pink Floyd, and "Everything in its right place" off of OK Computer by Radiohead.  Much to my surprise, I had never taken off to the Star Wars sound track.  Of course I already owned the London Symphony Orchestra's remastered tracks for all three of the ORIGINAL Star Wars movies.  I plugged in; got the headphones in line with the amp, and as the plane accelerated down the tarmac, I had the Fox Fanfare blaring in my head.  It's Star Wars time baby.

Yes, I'm a complete and total nerd.  If you're reading this, you knew that already.  After a much needed opening theme from Empire Strikes Back, I switched gears, plugged the amp into the laptop, and proceeded to watch "American Hustle." Don't ask how I got it.  Just assume I'm a member of the Academy.

The flight, with my audio fix sated, was largely uneventful.  Even the turbulence was acceptable thanks to some ginger drops that were recommended highly by Amazon faithful.  I can never tell whether those people are normal, even-keeled people like me (us) or if they're over emphatic nutsos...but they all liked the ginger drops. 

More on this trip another night.  My traveling companion bought some extremely smooth Tequila and that third shot is really hitting me pretty hard.  Besides, at this point of inebriation, I just want to write about bodily noises and toe cheese, which seem to be the hot topics of conversation.  Boys will be boys?

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