Tuesday, April 8, 2014


You're going to have to pardon me, because I'm about to get nuts about the latest FaceBook trend: surveys.

These days, you can't swing a dead FaceBook cat without finding at least 10 people on your timeline who are participating in surveys that ascribe a character, movie or, in some cases, inanimate objects and concepts to the surveyed based on oversimplified answers to such deep questions as "pick your favorite 1980's movie" or "pick your favorite breed of cat" or something equally inane.  People, and I use the term liberally, just stop it.  Why?  Because if you think that your choice of Smurf is related to your lifetime of acquired beliefs, attributes and outlook on life, then you're absolutely fucking out of your goddam mind.

Ooo...Oooo...which Broadway show am I?  Maybe if I say that I like the color purple (the color, not the movie or musical...the friggin color) and I pick Friut Loops over Lucky Charms and Life Cereal (god, that toucan Sam really stands up for my ideals), and then I select Ghostbusters over the Goonies because of my quasi-belief of the paranormal over my understanding of one-eyed pirates...then, maybe, just maybe, the selection of The Lion King really fits me.  It's like it understands who I am...which is to say that I DO like to dangle my progeny off a cliff and visit elephant grave yards!  Oooo...maybe Michael Jackson was also a Lion King!  We have so much in common!!!

People...I've got news for you...nobody gives a shit.  As if FaceBook isn't already a glorious waste of time (unless you're a stalker) you then choose to not only participate in this completely worthless activity, but post it to your timeline, because the rest of us really care that you're personality is some logical combination of Garfield (the cat, not the president), the number 9, an apple torte, Joffrey from GoT, and a weed whacker!

We.  Don't.  Give.  A.  Rat's.  Ass.

If you have time to blow...and you know you do, or you wouldn't be taking these surveys in the first place...make it productive! 

For instance:

Game for Cancer!  This app allows you to play a game where your success translates into decoding real DNA faults which Scientists can then use to develop cancer treatments!


Or, educate yourself...hit the NY Times App and see what's going on in the world.  Or, better yet, the BBC app...which really reports world news! 

But, please, people, I implore you, stop with the nonsense.  Just because you're bored doesn't mean that you have to torture the rest of us with your inactivity and pseudo-science.  This is Orange Gandalf from Hufflepuff who stared in the movie Footloose and likes crepes, signing off.

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