Thursday, April 3, 2014

Knew Knews on Knee

Actually, there's really not a tremendous amount to report.  Right now I'm about 1 1/2 weeks from the surgery date, and I'm doing fine...fine for a guy who was told not to put any weight bearing pressure on your leg for 8 weeks.  By my honed mathematical mind, that means that I've only got 6 1/2 weeks of being severely limited in my mobility.  Time

That said, I'm on some great drugs.  Every morning I start with a Percocet/Colace cocktail (for obvious reasons), followed by my regular regiment of reflux and allergy pills.  Because it's my knee, they want me to stretch it out and articulate it when possible, which means that I can now bend it enough to get my own socks on.  I've set up shop on the family recliner, keeping my knee elevated to alleviate swelling...not just in my knee, but also in my foot.  A conversation with the doctor yesterday yielded that mild swelling will go down considerably after 6 - 9 months.  MONTHS!  Pass the drugs, please.

For entertainment, I've been catching up on old episodes of Top Gear, which may be the best show on TV (or maybe that's the drugs talking).  Obviously, I have the computer available to me, so I can watch the "likes" pour in on FaceBook or scan youtube for hilarious "Epic Fail" videos.  Usually those are with teens+skateboards+asphalt=hilarity, or something like that.  Oh, and I've been watching the New York Football Giants have a massive off-season, picking up free agents like they're going out of style...while the other New York team is paper-training their new veteran quarterback.  Woof.

But, I will say that none of the above would be possible without my wife.  Superwife.  I'm sure they're already carving a bust of her for the Mommy Hall Of Fame (minds outta the gutter please).  Not only does she make sure that I've got what I need to be stationary all day, but she has been running the kids wherever they need to be.  And, she's the master scheduler, making sure that we've got someone here each night to help with the kids while she's tutoring and running class sessions for her district.  She's, in a word, amazing.  She's exhausted.  And, while she was drawing parallels to when she was first pregnant (on bed rest) and then pregnant again, and how I helped out...that was a breeze to what she's been doing this past week.  I didn't have two willful children to cart around (one at the most).  Family and friends have been invaluable, so I want to lay a broad thank you to all who have offered assistance and provided help while we figure out how to run this thing with two big mouths but one able bodied parent.  And, a huge, mega thank you to my wife, without whom I'd be writing my blogs with smoke signals as the house burned down around me.  

Now, if you don't mind, I have to see how the Murcielago compares to the 911 GT3 and the new Aston Martin Vanquish.  My money's still on the Porsche.

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