Thursday, August 14, 2014

Fargen Icehole

So, now I’m an idiot.  I’ll readily admit that.  If you’ve watched TV, been on FaceBook or Instagram lately, between posts about Robin Williams, you’ve undoubtedly seen your friends and family dumping large quantities of ice water on their heads in the name of ALS.  My issue is that, for the most part, many if not most of the people believe that, in lieu of making a donation, they can do this “challenge” and shame others into either, taking the challenge, or ponying up the cash for the organization…all in the name of ALS awareness.

If you follow me on FaceBook, you know that I’ve already called “bullshit.”  I don’t have confidence that most of the dumpers have any clue about what ALS is...or, for that matter, who Lou Gehrig is…and, even worse than that, I don’t have faith that those who do the dumping are committed to donation.  (I won’t divulge how I came to these conclusions, but know that I spoke with several who have taken the “challenge” to confirm this fact.)

That said, the response to my pessimism has been “but, it raises awareness!”  I contend that, by merely saying “ALS” in a video is not “awareness.”  But, admittedly, the stunt has caused a media frenzy…and, more people, people in the public eye, people with money, are subjecting themselves to a small amount of ice-water in the name of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis…including, most recently, Mark Zuckerberg…who after his dump, nominated Bill Gates.  How did Zuck get involved?  The Love Gov, my own Chris Christie called him out.  Now, that’s some heavy hitting.  I would like to believe that these high profile personalities are, in addition to getting chilled, donating as well.  And, according to several news agencies, the ALS Association is reporting a 1000% donation increase from this time last year (2013, $22,000). 

Good is being done, but at what risk?  Just like reality TV, society will have a threshold of overexposure or saturation where this shit just won’t work.  Other charities are soon/sure to follow suit…the outpouring of attention this has gotten…FOR FREE…is ridiculous.  So, my request to you, the people, is to keep donating for all of those other organizations who need funding as much as ALS.  There are soooo many debilitating diseases out there that would benefit from 15 minutes of fame, but now will be called out as “copy-cats” based on the successes of one or a few charities able to cash in on this latest phenomenon.  To quote a friend…do things, donate stuff, do stuff, all year round.  Charities and the diseases they support aren’t going away anytime soon.  Robin Williams didn’t kill himself, the man died of depression, a debilitating mental disorder which causes the person of the disease to become delusional that the best option is to cease existing.  It’s a disease, and his disease killed him.  With the outpouring of sympathy for Williams and his family, here are several organizations you can make a difference about TODAY.  

And, if mental illness isn’t your thing, go support your thing…whatever that thing is.  Do something…and don’t be compelled to pass the buck, or excuse yourself, by dumping a bucket of ice water on your head.  Because making a video and posting it on-line doesn't really help anybody, unless you go the extra mile.

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