Monday, December 22, 2014


It's Monday.  If you're not currently celebrating holiday/s then you're about to be.  Keep in mind what this time of year is all about.  Smile to everyone...and I mean everyone, as you push through crowds at the supermarket, mall, stores, etc.  It's busy...but then again, it's always busy, and they're just trying to get done what you are...a little merrymaking.  And make eye contact.  Recognize that they're people and treat them that way.

Cherish what you have, be it your dog, sister, cat, bird, 'rents, kids.  Smile at those folks too.  We don't get to choose our family, we just have to love them.  Lavish them with praise.  Be thankful.  Teach your kids to be so too. 

In addition to our families...think of others who are having a hard time.  Pledge to help when you can.  Toys for Tots drops are all over the place, and you're already arm wrestling in line at Target/Kohl's/Walmart (god forbid) so grab something for $15 and do your part to share.  It's also a great time for non-monetary gifts like time.  Donate blood.  Find a soup kitchen.  The internet will empower you. 

Be reverent.  You don't need to hit the church or temple or mosque.  Just be wary that it's a spiritual time.  If you need an eternal being to justify your actions, then please that being to the utmost.  If you believe in nothing, then it's up to you to do the heavy, lift.

Most of all, understand that you are only in control of your thoughts and actions.  You have views that nobody else does.  And, what you do with your time is your own.  This holiday season, lead by example and rise above expectations and have fun.  Have a healthy and safe end of 2014, and we'll see you again in 2015.

Just for fun, a conversation between Jude and I after a recent Legos and Latkes event at the local synagogue:

Me: What did you think of Rabbi Abraham?

Jude:  He was nice.  That's his name?

M:  Yep.

J:  Like Abraham Lincoln?

M: Uh huh.

J: Is he?

M: No, Jude.  Abraham Lincoln lived a long time ago.

J:  That's good, because if this was him, then he'd be dead.

M: Definitely.

J: Did Abraham Lincoln really have a rocket chair? [ref: Lego Movie]

M: I think so.

J:  He probably had missiles on it because he was very scientific.

M: He was definitely a wise man, Jude. 

J: I bet he blew up a lot of bag guys. 

M:  So many, Jude, you have no idea.


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