Thursday, October 29, 2015

Nuts for Photos!

Photography…If you know me, then you know that I have a passion for nature photography.  And, typically, the shots I feel like I’ve gotten the most out of are of landscapes.  What’s amazing, at least to me, is that I don’t typically have to go off-road or off-trail too often to capture some really scenic views.  National and State Parks know where the vistas are, and typically provide parking right there so that people don’t inadvertently clog the road as they stop to see.

Our national parks are so amazing but most NJ people don’t tend to go, and that makes my shots somewhat exotic.  NJ is a pretty bad place for landscapes until you go out west towards Pennsylvania, or east to get shore shots.  Just too many people.  So, imagine how distressed I get when I've gone halfway across the country and  I witness people taking selfies at those same "exotic" locations.  You’re ruining the picture people!  Get someone to take it for you, but your big fat heads are getting in the way of something much bigger than yourself.

And then came planking: selfies of me lying on god-knows-whatever, stiff as a board, for no apparent reason.  I don’t really know what inspires people to go places, lay down, and have their picture taken.  It’s flat out stupid for stupid’s sake.  Dumbest. Pictures. Ever. Which is what I thought…until I discovered #nutscaping.

Go ahead.  Login to Facebook or Twitter or Tumblr or Instagram.  I’ll wait. 

Now, I think you’d normally find me as angry about this as I am intolerant of the aforementioned.  But, before you draw a conclusion, I’ll first say…I don’t hate it.  Anyone can lay down fully clothed, but it takes a real man to bare his balls out in the open, bend over, and snap an otherwise fantastic landscape shot, albeit with his dangly bits in the top parts of the frame.  That isn’t to say that there isn’t a right way and a wrong way to #nutscape. 

Take this gent.  This is the wrong way to do it.  Way too much of the sunset (or sunrise) is hidden behind your junk. 

However, this dude, absolutely nails it.  I know because I’ve been in this spot at sunrise at Bryce Canyon National Park.  Just the way that his man-bits obscure the sun so that he can compose the rest of his image…with the hoodoos and mountains of Utah in the background…just breathtaking.

Now, I don’t have aspirations of competing with these gents as it’s not my type of photography.  But, as with all art, if done correctly, it can be awe-inspiringly beautiful…or at least hysterically funny and well executed. 

(And then, if you want to see some real nature money shots…here’s a link to my on-line gallery.)

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