Friday, September 23, 2016

A bleak future

It’s been 15 years since President Trump was elected and, while it seemed that there was an end in sight, his ability to do an end-around on the constitutionally provisioned 2-terms per pres. has resulted in, this, the second great depression.  But, I digress…because we’re moving to Canada!  Now that the kids are overseas at university, it should be a fairly easy move.  We’re renting the auto-truck and the only complication is the fact that charging points along the way to Ottawa aren’t in the best areas when you need to spend 6 hours somewhere.  Doesn’t matter.  I’m most excited about returning to a 4-season schedule.  Since we haven’t gotten snow in the last 10 years, most of the migratory species stopped migrating.  We now have a dry season and a rainy season with temperatures never going too far south of 45 degrees or north of 120.  At least the trees in Canada still turn colors in the autumn and it’ll be nice to see blue jays again, though, they’re not as prevalent as they once were.

The new house will be small.  Most of our savings went to finance public school for the kids in the 20’s, which, during Trump’s second election, became pay-to-play.  Luckily the kids were in High School so we only had to pay for 4 years total.  But, it was almost as draining as when they were in day-care.  Times change.  Anyway, it’s a two bedroom house with a direct connection to Hudson Bay.  Probably the best water in the Northern Hemisphere.  What we didn’t spend on the house, we spent on the water.  The arctic ice melt keeps it cool, and scientists believe that there’s more freshwater than seawater now which cuts down on the desalinization bills, reduces pipeline corrosion and, all in all, the flavor is unbeatable. 

Also, the people are super nice.  Just north of Ottawa is where all of the southern California people relocated to when Lake Mead and the adjacent aquifers ran dry.  It was far cheaper to relocate than to buy water.  And, the Canadian government and economy has improved to the point that Canada is now the 5th largest economy due to technology job growth here...that and the ability to grow crops.  There’s even a mini Haight there in Gatineau on the other side of the river.  The Grateful Dead will never die!  Combine how kind the Canadians typically are plus the environmentally minded people from California and it’s going to be a really nice place to live…and no ex-Floridians to worry about. 

Poor Florida.  When Miami’s levies broke and the Gulf of Mexico expanded all the way up to Orlando, people mostly moved to parts of Georgia, Alabama and the recently annexed Mexico.  I guess they can start taking down the wall now.  Couldn’t have happened to a nicer people?  Anyway, I think there are still a number of people living in the Disney Dome which stretches all the way from Apopka on the north to Kissimmee on the south.  I’ve never been, but the pictures remind me of the City of Atlantis or Truman Show.  There’s water on all sides and the Disney property smack dab in the middle.  The dome is nice because it allows them to have far milder rain and weather than the constant hurricanes that run through there.  It’s temperature controlled, and all of the tech Disney used in the parks has been retrofitted to allow them to live, including air-handling and soilless horticulture.  Even Walt’s cryogenic technology was incorporated.  Hell, the Dome itself filters out all of the extra harmful UV from the Sun as well as act as a passive solar panel which powers all of the utilities and then some.  Once atmospheric nitrogen levels max out in 5 years and we all need masks, people will be dying to get into Disney.  Maybe literally!

Anyway, we’re completely packed and waiting to go.  I’ve got my new camera for those birds that I used to see when I was young.  I’m not sure if the market will be fruitful for yet another nature photographer, but I do know that kids today who are interested might get a kick out of hearing about the animal’s original habitats.  Who am I kidding, most of them are likely on their way to the Mars colony and they’ve got most species in place there already.  I don’t think anyone could have predicted this during the 2016 election cycle.  I didn’t vote for him, but I’d never go on the record saying that after all the dissenters were jailed along with members of the press.  Anyway, Heil Trump.  Hopefully my next post will have a picture of a cardinal! 

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