Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Maybe it's the drugs talking...

So, this week, thus far, has been one of firsts (or seconds).  On Sunday, whilst trying to change the air filter in the HVAC the stool I was standing on twisted out from under my weight and my knee went with it.  Now, I've fallen before, but that wasn't the first.  The first was that, as my knee was twisting all righty-lefty, I felt something pop, pull, in the worst way. 

I immediately went into shock...and I knew that my body's reaction was one of special import...and it was time to call 911.  A couple of things.  I think, while writhing in pain, that I kept my cool enough not to worry Jude who was watching me squirm around on the ground.  Two, we live around the corner from the Police and EMTs and they were there in no time.  One stair-chair ride and then a transfer to the stretcher, I was in my second ambulance ride ever!  To Overlook Hospital I said through shivering teeth.  I got both sirens and lights.  Sara was able to follow thanks to quick kid-sitting maneuvering from my in-laws.  And, by 4pm, I was admitted, x-rayed and waiting for a diagnosis. 

Turns out I busted up my Tibia.  On my way down, my femur smashed into my Tibia so hard that it made a depression.  I was going to be transferred to Morristown Memorial for surgery where pins and plate would be installed.  Ooo...surgery...that's a first from an accident!  Standard surgical procedure: don't eat or drink anything from midnight on before you're cut.  Fair enough.  Arrived at Morristown at 10 and had a small snack.

They wheeled me into surgery at 8pm the following day.  Wha wha what?  OR was busy.  Sara put on her teacher voice and got my nurses to continually call and figure out when I'd go.  So, about 7:45 they started wheeling me down...Dr. Grob knocked me out, and the next thing I remember is seeing 1am on the clock and the world spinning.  Drugs are no joke.  I was worthless to the world until about 10am.  Now, I'm taking half the max dose of Percocet...aching all day, but at least my head is clear.  Waiting, again to see Dr. Grob so he can tell me, the patient how things went.  Sara spoke with him last night...but I'd like to hear it from the horses mouth, so to speak.

And that's it.  Robo-Herb to the rescue.  Half man, half machine...all klutz.  It looks like I may be discharged tomorrow or the next day based on what Doc says.  Let's hope it's a glowing report!

And that was my extended weekend.  Heal time: 8-12 weeks.  Right leg.  No drive-o.  See you in June!


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