Friday, February 10, 2017

A hodgepodge

Three things.

One - If you haven't been to or visited their Facebook page and "liked" it, do it. The format is Adult Alternative and most DJs provide a great mix of classic rock, rock and alternative.  Me?  I always start with the Grateful Dead, meander into classic rock, maybe touch on prog rock, return to Phish and Zappa and then find some cool cover to end on...all in a 2-hour spot: Wednesdays, 5pm-7pm.  Do check it out on your drive home if you're on the East Coast, and/or have it playing in your office on the West.

Two - I'm not even sure if it's real, but, if you're a liberal or even a conservative who is sick of the bombastic tones from this president (note the little 'p'...I'm sure he does!  POW!) then the twitter feed of Rogue POTUS Staff is a fun read.  They make claims about the daily goings on in the White House and are specific enough (or creative enough) to make you think it's really happening.  I especially like the tweet from this morning which states:

"POTUS irritated that sev. members of Patriots team will not attend WH visit. Saying he will lobby owner to cut them from the team."

Now, I would argue that even the president is aware that the NFL is a business...and that the random cutting of personnel that may harm your bottom line is probably a poor way to manage your business.

Three - While the above was meant to be entertaining, the following is political advice.  Do you want change?  Do you have federal representatives already voting the way you would have them?  Then, it's time to turn your focus to your state representation.  Work on them to vote the way you'd like.  If they vote the way you would, then get local.  There is no shortage of people who are in the position of representing your interests.  Don't know who that is?  Check out this finder for the State of NJ.  I'm sure other states have similar utilities.

That's it.  3 things: Listen to me on the "radio," have a laugh, and restore power to the people.  Have a great weekend.

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