Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Too close to home

Again, more JCCs have been targeted.  However, this time, there was a little more of a media response.  Another JCC in NJ and many others across the US received another round of bomb threats...this time, not just to JCCs, but also to Jewish Nursery Schools.  Where before it could be rationalized that the perpetrators weren't aware that many JCCs have an early childhood program, this time they specifically targeted children.

The map looks ridiculous.  Check out this one maintained by submitters to Huffington Post (note: this isn't news, just a well informed blog entry).  Look past the spelling errors to see that this group of writers seems committed to update this map as these threats against Jews goes unchallenged.  

Again, and my thoughts are my own, I believe that there are no more anti-semites than there were before Trump took office.  However, I believe that a group who tended to keep their prejudices to themselves has been emboldened by the bully tactics of our sitting president.  It was very clear, and I've said this before, that if you disagreed with the then President Elect's point of view, your freedoms should be taken away as you are escorted from his majesty's presence.

I know, maybe being the opposing view at a rally meant to support the Presidents xenophobic view of the world, isn't the smartest way to approach the opposition.  In many cases, I don't know how you stop stupid people with fingers in their ears and hands over their eyes.  Any teacher will tell you that if the student is unwilling to learn, then the lesson is pointless.

Fast forward to this morning, as a friend was running in the South Mountain Reservation, in the heart of NJ, and with a large percentage of non-whites and non-Christians alike came across the following scene:

She writes on her post on FaceBook: "Today's run did not end with a smile. It ended with a few tears. This bridge is within south mountain reservation crossing over south orange avenue. This is not right. This is beyond stupid kids. These kind of feelings come from the home. This is not acceptable. The sheriff is well aware of this and all I know is they are photographing it and painting it."

It's spreading.

How do we combat this ignorance?  Furthermore, why is this happening in New Jersey, which has the second most Jews per capita in the nation according to the Jewish Virtual Library based on 2015 census data?  If we're failing here, then does that mean there's no chance for Kansas City, Boulder, and Salt Lake City?

What did I do?  I called Senator Booker's office.  I called Menendez, and I called my representative Bonnie Watson-Coleman and I said to each of them, enough is enough.  We as a minority in State and Nation are being targeted with terror.  History shows that we have consistently been marginalized from the Crusades to the Holocaust, and now here, in the "Land of the Free."    Again, ask Muslims and Blacks how they feel now that the Cheeto-in-Chief is in power.  We are all in this together.  We need to continue to rally against ignorance in the hope that we can go on with our lives.  We need to see law enforcement is doing something about this.  Call your legislators.  If they're doing something, praise them.  If not, ask them why.  This needs to stop now, and only with our voices together can we dissolve the ignorance and truly live freely again.

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